

Here are the most recent publications of Victor Inzunza’s work. Editors, please feel free to contact him if you would like to ask him to contribute to your own publication.

In the Warrior Writer’s Third Anthology, “After Action Review”

Two Poems

“The Part of Ourselves We’re Afraid Of”

“Sick Empire”

After Action Review

Click the book cover to purchase the anthology and support veteran writers.

On The Sierra Club Website

Look under the section heading for California. The poem is called, “Nature’s Forest Masterpiece,” written after a piece by John Muir found in The University of the Pacific’s private collection entitled, “The Sequoia.”

In University of the Pacific’s Award winning Literary arts Magazine Calliope

Click the links below to open a PDF version of the Callope issue and read the poems listed.

Calliope 2009 Issue “Five Minutes to Madelyn: Why do you have a Lantern?”

One Poem

“The Part of Ourselves we’re Afraid of”

Spring 2010 issue “Memento Musa”

Two Poems

“The Eighteen Dead” and “No Right Time for a Man”

2011 Issue “It’s a Duet. Why are you Solo?”

One Poem

“Rahim and I”

2012 Issue Let Reality Worry, Here You are Free

One Poem

“A Process of Forgetting”

In The Stockton Record

Read the article,”Pacific Student Uses Pen and Paper to Work through the Horrors of Combat,” about Victor’s work in poetry. You can also read poetry samples generously hosted by The Record. The Record did a follow up article about Victor’s writing workshop for veterans entitled, “Using Words as Windows.”

In Pemmican Press

Two Poems

“Monotony of Machines” and “The Blood of My Father”

In the Pacific Review

In The University of the Pacific’s Alumni magazine, Pacific Review, Victor wrote an article entitled. “The Part of Ourselves we’re Afraid of,” about his experience as a veteran transition to civilian life, as well as the two weeks he spent studying with poet Bruce Weigl, author of “Song of Napalm” at the William Joiner Center’s annual workshop for Veterans.

On University of the Pacific’s Website

Read the article “Poet in Motion”

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